I really fell off becasue im on a really big job rn but thankfully its simmering down and coming to a close soon (which one day, I'll get to share pictures of!). I've had time to let ideas grow. I intend to return to this project swinging. There comes a point in being a working artist where it just becomes work and it gets harder to not see it as laborius and tiresome.
Updated the HREF report because it felt like an easy and accessable way to ease myself back into updating a website and expressing ideas to the public.
started myrchella archive and page for myrchella 2025. not done yet lol. also started logistic planning for a secret third thing i cant tell you about yet.
Did actually several things since the last update on this page but those projects arnt done yet and are thus, not published 4 u. hehe. I linked the new guestbook today since the previous guestbook shut down. I'll probably keep a link to the old guestbook in the library for memories. Also added reciepies and gave the recipies page CSS (see previous entires for my css related learning curve) which will make adding more recipes twice as easy. Still havnt learned how to spell.
Adding recipies. Tweaked gallery a little more. Still lots to add there. fmllllll. going to do big public access platoon page overhaul soon as well!!!! scanning public diary to add and other artworks. starting a large job with lots of cool stuff i wanna share so idk maybe youll see that too when im allowed to have pictures and talk about it. radio update coming as well. sorry for the hiatus. went on a big adventure and then also a huge move. living, laughing, and loving. :-)
Added the boat page and the link page with corresponding shelf items. learning 3dx and other web design 3d stuff for reasons i am not sure of. I think i can do interesting things with the medium perhaps.
Also. Gallery overhaul finally happening right now. The reason I've neglected it so bad was becasue untill recently I did not know CSS and simply never used it. each page on the site was simply a flat image i composed in photoshop, and then id overlay transparent links over certain parts to create the illusion of them being buttons. Do not do this. Do not be like me. I can not even begin to describe to you how stupid it is. Now finally everything is an indipendant element that i can style and move as i wish with code rather than photoshop. This is also why i procrastinated adding things into the gallery so bad. each page required hand crafting every part of the whole page in photoshop, and then painstakingly placing compleatly invisible links over flat images. you live and you learn i guess. Now I just repeat css across pages and upload images. Moheb if you are reading this, you can say "I told you so". the little paper boat page is actually animated compleatly with pure CSS! oh how far I've come. I also redesigned my boyfriends squarespace site but with html so he doesnt have to pay to host anything. plus its just neater. you can look at it HERE! if youd like. Very different than my own. yeah thats right. I have range. Its a little empty right now though. Its more so a template i made him to fill with what he would like. the cute little drawings are all his :-)! looking to set up rss feed things soon also :-3
Huge main page overhaul. Even though you cant really tell right now, hahah. Basicly rewriting all my code since i know WAAAAYYYYY more now and need it clean beacuse im taking on making the whole site mobile friendly. which it is INCREDIBLY not right now. Additionally, directory page and radio page are getting major redesigns. Your first draft is never perfect, what can i say.
projects in the works:
Removed flag counter, added Cowboy Day to radio schedule. Big recipe page repair and update coming soon, lol. Sorry for neglecting that one, the radio took a lot of work. Still havmt learned how to spell.
NOTE TO SELF: please get around to updating the gallery, its emptyness looks like i dont do anything haha.
some big upcoming sputnik page additions.
Muse entry and started van build page. added buttons in directory. misc things in the works behind the scenes.
Radio Mobile site kicking my ass for some reason but should be fine now. radio test broadcast down for final maintainance before full launch. also started typing up a few more recipes but pages werent updating to check if they were looking right so i got annoyed and stopped.
made radio and its site and forgot i made an update log to talk about it. radio runs off an icecast server, and i handle media through centrova cast but mayt change as it feels a little annoying at times. also im having issues with hosting broadcast info and media players that work with it correctly. idkkk! radio desktop site is fine but im having problems doing mobile sites. things that look correct to me look very very very incoorect to others so far.
Tweaked scaleabilty and accecability in the gallery. Began actually imputting recipes.
finished making just about every page scale collectly to different screen proportions. addictionally, revamped the whole look of the library and added the writing club page. did not learn how to spell. also made this chagelog a formal page on the site.
To Do-
tweaked how the main shelf space resizes on different window sizes. not perfect but definantly better. also started keeping an update log as of today, dispite the site being very much already put together. the reason the main shelf items werent resizing with my window despite being sized in vh and vw was because of how i phrased the construction of my button class. excited to have figured that out, ive been wondering what the problem was for months. but frusterated because the solution was foolishly simple. suppose thats just the way these things are.
recipe page comes into existance. very bare bones. no actual recipes yet, just a menu. realized the original library page doesnt match the rest of the site and is a little sloppy, planning to redesign and change soon.