Mixed Whole Wheat Soft Chutney Bialys !

Makes 12 Bialys - 30 min prep time - 7 hour dough rising - 10 mins of baking.

These came to be because of an incredibly awesome book on sourdough baking my boyfreind got me. In it, were Sourdough Chutney Bialys. My Starter wasnt ready yet, and I had recently been feeling more confident in my bread knowledge. Thus, I developed one of my first wholey original (well. original AND successfull.) bread recipies! These are soooo good to keep around on the counter or give to some friends. And the chutney in the center is an experiment of my own as well, although I encourage you to experiment with it youself if you see fit. Very warm, soft, and savory !

IMPORTANT NOTE: While I use a mixure of wheats, I recongnize that not everyone is as into having a wheat collection. If you are using regular all purpose for this recipe, reduse the water used by 1/4 cup! Becasue ryes and chunkier milled wheats are thirsty and tend to soak up a bit more :). Although I do recomend getting any heritage varieties from a local mill if you can! it really does make a huge difference.
