Another Year, wow, they just keep making more of those. Welcome everybody to the first HREF REPORT of the new year! This report aims to loosen the structure of previous href reporting to open the stage for a more freeflowing, no rules, kind of approach. This decision comes from our upper managment with the goal of allowing for more diverse entries, and once a clear pattern is noticible in our reporting, we can begin to reconsider sorting. Lets Begin.

Rotate the Gar, ok?

Here is an insane (I mean this affectionatly) persons attempt at catagorizing and providing plentiful reserch images for just about every corporate visual language and comercial aesthetic that can be described. Frequently updated, or at least I believe so. Its certainly very different every time I've looked at it which has not been infrequently. Which I present as a way of catching your attention to present to you the creation/ platform of arena. Used for like... collecting and sorting and storing it seems. like if pinterest was..... good?

Rotating sandwiches which I've gotten into sending people in place of reacions to things.

Inspect this snake a charming piece of work. Pretty cool! I am very interesting in things being used in unintentional ways and very much so if its high effort for silly yeild. Theres something really endearing and poetic about it to me. Its a silly idea im interested in exploring. The link provided isnt deeply profound (but fun and neat none the less of course!) but it does let me conversationally delve into the ideas I want to. I like devotion or time as a medium. I love care and effort juxtaopsed with the low brow.

Lucida for downloading audio from like any platform. look. sometimes these people arnt on bandcamp and i cant be streaming everything! Gotta go offline sometimes!

Ve3zsh's daily engineering advice. Work from a fellow personal site. I've enjoyed these! I think the idea is really good. The simplicity, the presentation, I think it comes together to be simplisticly profound. I think personal sites are so foriegn to the visual language of the majority, it does tend to frame things as more profound than they are. I think thats cool though. Its a strength of the medium that this made me like.

Browser Spirograph :) 2k I think one of my favorite things. I saw a Theaster Gates exhibit at the Mori Museum in tokyo a while back, I think this guy is so stellar, you should check him out. heres his website / portfolio thing. He does a lot with the reclamation and use of space (which I talked about loving in the last href report) and has also really made me feel a lot of things about work as art. Theres actually a million things I could say but of course his work can speak for itself and you should get into it.

Wichitalks' Get Out Of Hell log. I'd stoped really digging around personal sites for a while to be honest. I'm just not on the computer much. When I decided I was going to get it together and focus on making something of my silly little website, this project was right there for me to be enthralled by. Its incredibly simple, just a log of one persons quest to cut down on screen time and form a better relationship with free-time. To be honest. Im stealing the concept. I'm not deeply attached to media or anything but I do, none the less, somehow manage to do a lot of nothing in my limited free time. Which you may say is good. healthy even. and to that i say. i am an insane person. i have big ideas. and to acomplish them all. i need a plan and i need to publicly document it to hold myself to it. Thanks wichitalk.

United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and supplies in case anyone didnt know what to get me for my birthday.

Enigma2000 Number Stations and Associated Signals. Indulgent, much like the last link. I like numbers stations. This group produces very regular and comprehensive publications on notable numbers stations broadcasts, changes, and so forth. They often juxtapose it with recent world comunications news. I hope this lasts forever and I hope more people become insane freaks like me and enjoy numbers stations.

Inkle, a narritive scripting language for games. I just think its neat! I may have made this website but im no computer genius. I lack the easy of movement to play with words the way I think I would enjoy. If you can figure out a simple HTML site and how to open unity, you can figure out inkle for making pretty text based games and other things like that. problem solved. :)

Elis Mcdonald for jstchillin, june 5th - june 18th 2010



Congradulations everyone on a successfull first two quarters of making the internet this year. This update from the result of our most recent land survay aims update other departments on the current status of the project. This document is a breif summery of the highlights and important details of our discoveries, and is in no way conclusive or definitive.

Artistic Inspiration

Personal artists of interests, projects I find interesting, and unique uses of medium.

Interesting Occurences

Inventions, creations, or occurences


Small and old websites that deserve to be remembered.

Excelent work everyone. By the end of Q3 I know we will have some truely amazing stuff to include in the next report. Results of this survay indicate that the internet is in an upward trajectory. We expect to see continuous growth for months to come. While link sharing and independant web page creation is at a historic low, We remain unwaveringly optemistic.
Reports will be published on a quarterly basis.
Untill Next Time.